Schwester Kally
Schwester Kelly

Care and Responsibility in the Service of the Community

Sister Kelly begins her day with a quiet prayer to gather herself and focus her thoughts on her tasks. Her daily life is shaped by a crucial responsibility: bookkeeping and administration. With a keen eye and great care, Sister Kelly checks invoices, prepares statements, and ensures that all financial transactions run smoothly and transparently. Her goal is to secure the economic foundation of the community and create a solid base for the various social projects.

Order with Heart and Reliability

Sister Kelly sees her work not just as a numbers game, but as an important contribution to supporting the entire community. Her sense of order and precision helps allocate resources sensibly and organize workflows efficiently. At the same time, she is always available to colleagues who seek advice or a second opinion. Even when faced with the administrative challenges of everyday life, Sister Kelly remains calm. She brings structure and clarity to complex processes while supporting the community with patience and a warm smile. Throughout the day, Sister Kelly shows that even in the background, compassion and reliability form the foundation of a functioning whole, and that humanity has a firm place even in the world of numbers.

@ 2025 Schwestern von der Göttlichen Vorsehung Mainz e. V.