Project Presentation: Casa de Acogida Divina Providencia, Lima, Peru

The mission project “Casa de Acogida Divina Providencia” (House of Welcome of Divine Providence) in the San Miguel Mission, Lima, Peru, is a significant initiative designed to offer young people in difficult life situations a better future. Through your support, this house has been opened as a place of encounter and growth for young adults.

A Place of Hope and Education

Thanks to the generous contributions of our friends, benefactors, and supporters, ten young people who have begun their studies have already found a home in the “Casa de Acogida Divina Providencia.” They contribute a small amount for their accommodation, if possible, and are supported in their academic and personal development. The house has become a vibrant center for exchange and learning.

Challenges and Progress

Despite many challenges, including growing corruption and difficult university admission conditions, the commitment to the education of young people remains strong. In Peru, women in particular often face significant obstacles when trying to find and finance a place at university. The demand for accommodation for female students is therefore high. To address this need, we plan to expand the house by adding another floor, as originally planned. This expansion will allow even more young women to fulfill their dreams and rise out of poverty.

Initiatives for Support

Several initiatives have been launched to further advance the project. For example, an icon exhibition was held in Mainz to support the project, organized by Sister Angelika Hufgard. In Peru, our sisters sell handcrafted bags, and our religious province in South Korea is also actively supporting the project.

Your Support Remains Crucial

The construction of the house is progressing thanks to your donations, but we still need financial assistance to successfully complete the project. So far, we have been able to collect substantial financial support for the construction, and we are grateful for any additional contributions that will help alleviate the suffering of people in Lima and give young people a better future. Please continue to support us with your donations and prayers so that we can make the “Casa de Acogida Divina Providencia” a place of hope for even more young people. Together, we can give these young people a brighter future.

Account Information

Schwestern von der Göttlichen Vorsehung Mainz e.V.
Rheinhessen-Sparkasse Mainz

IBAN: DE65553500100100013721

Donation-Peru – Lima

The Province Emmanuel von Ketteler pursues tax-privileged purposes as a registered association. We confirm that the amount entrusted to us will be used exclusively for the promotion of charitable and ecclesiastical-religious purposes. The Province “Emmanuel von Ketteler” is registered in the Mainz Register of Associations under number 1774.

@ 2025 Schwestern von der Göttlichen Vorsehung Mainz e. V.