International Encounters

Here we see the gathering of the provincial representatives in Korea. In international exchange, common goals are defined, and the alignment of tasks is strengthened in the spirit of our community. Such meetings promote unity and enrich our work with new perspectives and impulses.

Meeting Place: Korea 1.10.2024

The Key of the Vow of Poverty

The vow of poverty primarily means letting go of material possessions. It opens the possibility of becoming free from consumerism, pleasure-seeking, exclusivity, blame, hatred, hopelessness, pressure to perform, and excessive fixation on health. It invites us to rediscover that God is the true wealth. The great love of God and His love for us carries us and gives us through this vow the inner freedom to open ourselves fully to Him and His creation.

These three keys: poverty, celibate chastity, and obedience are essential elements for the life of our community in passion for God and the people.

"There are words that are like deeds, because deeds grow out of them."

Bishop Ketteler

Provincial Gathering

Provincial Gathering

Sisters from Peru
Our sisters with material assets from India
Our Korean sisters
USA sisters with us at the Ketteler grave
With our sisters in Rome
Our sisters in Offenbach

Internationality in our Community

Our community lives and works worldwide, united by our shared faith and mission. The diversity of cultures, languages, and perspectives of our sisters enriches our work and spirituality. At the international level, our congregation is represented by the leadership of the congregation, which is formed by sisters from various countries and coordinates our worldwide activities. On the regional level, the provincial leadership takes responsibility for the work in their respective provinces and is the direct point of contact for the community on-site. This collaboration at all levels not only strengthens our international connectedness but also enables us to meet the needs of the people in different regions of the world – always in trust in Divine Providence.

Leadership of the Congregation: Sister Maria Youngmi Kim, Sister Mary Francis Fletcher, Sister Barbara McMullen, and Sister Rosa Eunsoon Kim
Provincial Leadership: Sr. Maria-Theresia Laux, Sister Virginia Median Perez, Sr. Maria Cruz Leon, Sister Kelly Santillan Sinti
@ 2025 Schwestern von der Göttlichen Vorsehung Mainz e. V.